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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What Makes Life Beautiful?

What Makes Life Beautiful?

I have posted a poll for me to know the answer to this question, because if I answer it myself then of course I'd stick to my own idea. And based on the poll, life itself is the one that makes it beautiful.

Well, I do agree on it. It's like saying that you love a person just the way he/she is. We must appreciate life the way it is created by God and we must not look up at things which would violate the rule of creation.

As what I have often emphasized, love life! Life is beautiful! There is no question to that. Its existence may be considered the greatest mystery known to man, but due to its presence we enjoy life. Of course, how can we enjoy it if we don't have it.

This post may be the shortest one but the point of this essay is to remind that life is beautiful despite the odds.

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