A new craze is heading the town. Face book's "farm town" is hitting the attention of everyone! Almost all the students at NDSCP are into farming. I for one is an advocate of this game. This game is very realistic, it helps one to think like a businessman. It gives one an idea on how to be a real farmer.
I admire the creator of this game for unlike any other game, it is of good influence. It is a helpful one since it molds the mind of the youngs to be wise and creative thinkers. I describe this game as a real life in a virtual world. Basically because, of its realistic features that is applicable to real life. It gives one an idea that hardwork really pays. And the thing that makes it realistic is the fact that when you can't harvest your crops in due time it will go to waste. And also the fact that earning money and putting up a business is not a joke. Although it is only a game, it needs for the usage of critical thinking skills.
I suggest that you click the link and try it then see the difference. Happy farming!!!!