Each one of us wishes to be happy and find true happiness. Some search for it too much while some just wait for it to come through their way. But as they say there is no shortcut to it. It is not easy to acquire, for only you yourself could tell if you really are happy. There is no accurate step for it that is agreed by every one on earth. Well every one has their own happiness.
However, majority of us may agree on this events or moments that happiness can be found. These are in the acronym H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S.
Help others. We all know that it is in making others happy, we can make ourselves happy. A simple way to make them happy is to help them. Be there for them, show them that you care. Help may not necessarily be in terms of money or material things but it could be the simpler one which is lightening their burdens. Show them that they are not alone and that you care. Be selfless. Prioritizing others can make you feel happy. But love yourself first, you can not give what you do not have.
Appreciate the beauty of life. Life may be a tough challenge to us, but don't forget that life is very beautiful. Bear in mind that challenges are just spices of life. They are their to make life worthwhile. T
hey are life's decor which make it attractive and intriguing.
Patiently deal with life. In life we face so many trials and hardships. What else is new? They're part of the beauty of life. They are essential in the shaping of better individuals that would fit for the purpose of living. They cannot be separated to life, they are part of the package. Our only choice is to face them in an optimistic way and patiently. Deal with it.
Pursue your dreams. Some people find the beauty of life in their dreams. There is no art aesthetically designed known to man except dreams. They serve as inspirations for every individual to continue living. Pursuing one's dream will make a person happier because he gives life a reason to be beautiful and worth living. It is in pursuing our dreams we could say that life is really tough but because of my dreams I will beat the odds. Having this thought would make a man even more courageous to face each and every trials of life.
Indulge to life's flavor. Life is multi - flavored it is a combination of all the ingredients tasted by man. In other words life is full of taste. The point is, enjoy the flavor without hesitation as life takes its course. Let life lead the way.
Neglect regrets. In life we all make mistakes. They are inevitable. But every one makes mistakes. Don't regret. It is never your fault things did not go as it is planned. Just think of this "some things are meant to be and some things are not.
Express yourself. Do not live in the dark. Show yourself to people. Show them that you exist. Communicate with them, share your ideas be interactive. Let people know what's inside you and live according to the law of men"live as on of them."
Show the real you. It is nice to live without pretensions. Don't try to be anyone else, just be yourself. Don't try to live another persona so that people may like you. Just be true to yourself and to the people around you. If they don't like you, fine! It's not your obligation anymore, as long as you have been true to yourself. It's hard to please every body.
Smile. It shows that you are happy and you accept each and every challenge of life with arms wide open. It is in a simple smile true happiness is born.